Tourism in Puerto Vallarta
Wed. Oct/18th/2017.

The director of Tourism in Puerto Vallarta, Jos Ludwing Estrada Virgen, affirmed that this is the number one destination for the state of Jalisco due to its large tourist influx and economic spill, and the second most important at the national level. In an interview for Notimex, the official of the State Tourism Secretariat, added that nationally is one of the most important tourist destinations, "after Cancun there are Vallarta and Los Cabos, economically speaking and also for having more tourist influx." He established that last year, Puerto Vallarta received a tourist influx of four million 50 thousand visitors, which left an economic spill much higher than 15 thousand 500 million pesos.
He noted that there are 23,000 rooms for lodging, "with hotels from special classification, boutique, great tourism, five stars and even a star." He said that the restaurant offer stands out, "there are about 500 restaurants of very good quality, and already with taco stands and other antojitos there is much more."
The official said that Puerto Vallarta is one of the favorite destinations for national and international tourism, and this year they expect to exceed the tourist influx and the economic outflow in relation to 2016.
Most Foreign Tourists
He noted that most of the foreign tourists are from the United States, followed by Canada, "we also have European market coming from England with weekly flights to our tourist destination."
In addition, he mentioned, "we have Central American tourism, and in smaller amount but that is increasing South American tourism, with Colombians, Chileans, Brazilians and Argentines."
2016 was a good year for the cruise ship visit to Puerto Vallarta
He affirmed that 2016 has been a year "very good in cruises, because every day grows much more in number of passengers, who are of third generation as they are called to them". He stated that on average in each cruise come up to three thousand passengers, with 900 crew, "so we speak of about four thousand people who bring to Vallarta." "There are also medium-sized cruisers, but most of them, which started arriving in October, are large, and it is estimated that a total of 140 cruise ships will arrive in Vallarta this year," he added. The Tourism Director commented that this is one of the ports where they leave more economic pays, "between 110 to 120 dollars on average per person that descends to our destination."
He pointed out that Vallarta has had considerable growth in 2016, "it has been one of the best years we've had."
Whats next?
In addition, in the investment part, new developments are coming to our tourist destination, a new commercial square, three new hotels, an aquarium and the passenger terminal of the cruise ships are being built, "he said. Estrada Virgen also said that they work to bring more tourism, "especially to return satisfied to their places of origin and to take a pleasant experience of our destination and Jalisco." He said that in Vallarta there are many American and Canadian residents, "who are already retired, decide to buy a house and stay to live, or there are also some that thanks to the internet work from here." He noted that at the Latin American level, the states of Jalisco, Nayarit and Colima "stand out for having the largest number of foreign retired residents, with an influx of about 50,000 residents between Nayarit and Jalisco."
Whats the big deal of Puerto Vallarta tourist policy? All these plans to restyle the touristic side of this area will be always focused on keeping things typical and local as it should be, to cherish the local identity even more without denaturalize anything as other touristic destination have done over the years. It will be empowering its potential keeping its identity loud and clear and ready to be explored and experienced by its visitors.
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