Understanding your electric bill in Mexico (& how to lower it!)
Tue. Dec/19th/2017.

Since electric usage is surprisingly expensive in Mexico, it is important to understand what you are using and how much it is affecting your bill.
Some of the most energy consuming appliances are the ones we use the most - the air conditioner, coffee pot, refrigerator and electric clothes dryer. These appliances can consume insane amounts of energy in very short amounts of time, driving your bill sky high! Over usage of these appliances can even move you out of the countries domestic price category into a commercial category, increasing your energy rate by almost 50%!
Your energy bill will range anywhere from $20-$200 USD per month, depending mostly on air conditioner and dryer usage. So, be sure to understand your bill and keep usage to a minimum.
Reading the Meter
Looking at the meter itself can be a little confusing, especially since the dials don't all go clockwise.
For each of the gauges, you will take the lower of the two numbers it reads between, unless it is between 0-9 - then you will take the 9.
For example, this meter reads 35872. The second gauge is almost to the 6 while the following gauge hasn't yet passed 0, so you would still take the 5.
Understanding the Bill
At first the CFE electric bill can be very confusing, but once you understand the key points of the bill and how to lower your energy usage, you can certainly reduce the amount you owe.
In Mexico, your CFE electric bill will come every two months. If you live in a larger home or are not cognizant of your energy usage, you could be paying upwards of $100 USD per month.
However, if you learn the allotted usage and overage charges, the cost of utilities in Mexico can be quite affordable.
To get your total amount of kwh used for the period in question, take your initial reading (lectura anterior) and subtract if from your actual reading (lectura actual). Multiply the kwh used by the price in pesos (Precio) and your bill should match your solution.
Energy Saving Tips
The national average is around $40 USD per month, but to achieve that you mustn't run your energy like you did in the United States, or you will be hammered with overage fees and higher rates per KW.
Thanks for reading!
Written by: Dez of www.mydeztination.com
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