Tips for Traveling Through US Customs

In the wake of the newest federal travel policies put in place by the government of the United States in past months, travelers returning to the country from Mexico as well as passing through it on connecting flights and other modes of transportation are dealing with new concerns regarding their expedient passage through customs. Repeated attempts have been made by the current administration to restrict traveler movement, and the newest active regulations place unprecedented demands on visitors.
In fact, as of April 2017, travelers from over 18 countries around the world have been banned from bringing personal items such as laptop computers into the country, effectively barring many modern travelers from crossing its borders. United States Customs officials have even been accused of preventing entry into the country even for returning travelers on a case by case basis, and so the following guide is intended to assist long-term visitors passing through the country in gaining access.
Arrive Early
Particularly where international flights are involved, it is important to arrive at the airport in ample time to be processed for your departure. It is a good idea to appear at the airport two hours in advance of your flight to compensate for any potential waiting time caused by long lines, especially during times of frequent travel such as holidays. Be sure to wear easy to remove shoes, have your carryon luggage properly prepared, and place any liquids directly on top to speed your processing time.
Have Electronic Devices Ready for Inspection
Among the more problematic policies for some travelers regarding passage through US Customs from Mexico and other locales is the liberty that some officials are taking to inspect their smartphones, laptops, tablets and other devices and other personal electronic devices for national security purposes. Some individuals may be asked to surrender their devices as well as any resources required to access its files such as passwords, in order to allow for the most thorough inspection possible.
For these reasons, it is advisable for all travelers passing through the United States from Mexico to have both their devices and any tools or information needed to unlock the device ready for an inspection by US Customs. Travelers who fail to comply with this protocol risk being forcibly detained by Customs officials or other national security personnel for an indefinite period.
Avoid Suspicious Clothing
Although US Customs claims to select travelers randomly for additional screening, there is a substantial amount of evidence that travelers fitting certain profiles are screened more heavily. Passengers wearing heavy, hooded attire and wearing clothing, jewelry or other embellishment that obscure the face in any way are likely to be selected for additional screening while passing through US Customs from Mexico.
All travelers departing the country must be sure to have all their tracking documents in order, and Mexican nationals in particular must take care to have their papers readily available for inspection. Travelers with one-way tickets may also be more susceptible to a protracted screening process, so be sure to book your return flight to Mexico before leaving!
For travelers of many backgrounds, passing out of Mexico to and through the United States is much more difficult than coming into the country thanks to new guidelines put into place by the federal government. By taking these helpful suggestions into account, you can be proactive about ensuring that your visit north from the shores of Puerto Vallarta goes as smoothly as possible.
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